xB Maintenance, UFC and Canelo Fight Weekend

Time is flying!

One of my brothers came to visit my mom, my dog and me. There were some UFC and Canelo fights this weekend and we watched it here at home. UFC fights had some good fights in the main card. The main two title fights were not entertaining when you think of a fighting sport, but technically the fighters who won, won at a very expert level that they made their opponents look childish. The Canelo fight was entertaining and he managed to knock down his opponent on the third round but the fight lasted all 12 rounds. Most of those rounds were Canelo's without argument.

On Saturday I finally got time to work on the xB and switched the front struts from right to left and left to right. I'd been hearing a noise when I rolled over bumps or dips and figured it might've been a defective strut, but no it is somethin else! Either way I needed to install new struts and they are now good to go. After some advice from my brother, we think it probably is the inner tie-rod that is making that noise. Initially I thought it was that one strut making the noise but nope, its something else. I'm debating whether to check it out some more and lift up the car and test out the tie-rods and see if anything is wiggling around with just manually shaking it. Or go to the dealership and have them do diagnostics on it since I'm already due for my 5000 mile maintenance. I really want to do my checks first. If the rain chills for a bit I'll go ahead and see if I can get some time this week. Got a big project to launch at work and I've been working past what I should be working. But things got to get done. Otherwise, I'll work on it until next weekend. Also, I need to cut the lawn.

This weekend went by so fast. I went to get groceries early afternoon and I kept thinking to myself, "it's Saturday right?" hoping that I can somehow change the day if I said that in my head enough times haha. It didn't work. Anyways, I'd like to blog more soley for documenting and looking back on this.